How to file taxes as a real estate agent

Unlike traditional employees, most real estate agents are considered self-employed, whether they work independently or for a real estate brokerage firm. This self-employed status provides you with the opportunity to take advantage of numerous tax deductions that can significantly reduce your tax liability. However, to make the most of these deductions, you need to be well-informed and diligent in your record-keeping. In this blog, you’ll learn how to file taxes as a real estate agent and keep more money in your pocket.

Understanding Your Tax Status

Employee vs. Self-Employed: Before delving into the specifics of tax deductions, it’s important to understand your tax status as a real estate agent. Most real estate agents are classified as self-employed, which has important implications for your tax obligations. However, there are instances where real estate agents may be considered employees, and the distinction can affect how you file your taxes.

Employed Agents

To be considered an “employed agent,” you must meet the following criteria:

  • Taxes are automatically withheld by your employer.
  • Payment is based on hours worked rather than sales performance.
  • Services are performed under a written contract that states you will be treated as an employee for federal tax purposes.

If you fall into the category of employed agents, you’ll file your taxes similarly to traditional employees in the United States.

Self-Employed Agents

If you do not meet the above criteria, you’ll likely file as a self-employed agent. This status is largely because real estate agents often work on a commission basis, and they usually operate their businesses as sole proprietorships. Being self-employed brings both opportunities and responsibilities when it comes to taxes.

The PATH Act

The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, enacted in 2015, introduced some beneficial changes for self-employed individuals, including real estate agents and brokers. One notable provision of the PATH Act involves the IRS Section 179 deduction, which allows you to immediately deduct a portion or the entire cost of certain business-related purchases. This can result in significant tax savings.

Maximizing Tax Deductions

Now that you understand your tax status and the impact of the PATH Act, let’s explore some of the most common tax deductions available to self-employed real estate agents. To optimize your tax savings, it’s essential to take advantage of every deduction for which you qualify. Even seemingly minor expenses can add up, so paying attention to the details is crucial.

1. Marketing Expenses

Real estate agents rely heavily on marketing to attract homebuyers and sellers. Deductible marketing expenses may include:

  • Sales and open house signs and flyers
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Business cards and mailers

2. Real Estate Education Costs

To excel in your profession, ongoing education and training are essential. Deductible education expenses include:

  • Real estate training classes
  • Continuing education classes
  • Coaching and mentoring programs

This means that expenses related to your Sell It Like Serhant courses, Membership, and PRO can potentially be eligible for tax deductions.

3. Licensing and Association Fees

Maintaining your real estate license and affiliating with professional organizations often comes with fees. These fees are deductible and may include:

  • Real estate licensing and renewal fees
  • Real estate association dues
  • Multiple listing service (MLS) dues
  • Brokerage desk fees

4. Transportation Expenses

Real estate agents spend a significant amount of time on the road. You can deduct various transportation-related expenses, such as:

  • Automobile maintenance and repairs
  • Gas and mileage
  • Auto insurance
  • Parking
  • Costs associated with purchasing or leasing a new car

5. Travel Expenses

If your real estate-related travels involve airfare, lodging, and meals, these expenses are deductible. Whether you’re attending real estate conferences or visiting properties, keep track of these costs for tax purposes.

6. Home Office Expenses

Whether you rent or own your home, if you use a portion of it as a home office, you can deduct related expenses. The amount you can deduct depends on the square footage used as your office space.

7. Client-Related Expenses

Maintaining good relationships with clients often involves giving gifts or hosting events. While there is a $25 deduction limit per client per year, you can deduct up to $50 if a couple makes the purchase.

8. Utilities

If you use utilities, such as internet, phone, and power, for your real estate business, these expenses are deductible. Even if you work from home, these deductions still apply.

9. Insurance

Many real estate agents carry general liability and professional liability insurance. If you have your insurance policy, not covered by your brokerage, you can deduct the insurance premiums.

10. Electronics and Software

Investments in electronics and software, such as phone upgrades, laptops, photo editing software, cameras, and other tools, are deductible as they are essential for your real estate business.

11. Digital Marketing and Advertising

Any expenses related to digital marketing and advertising, including website development, online ads, and design software, can be deducted as legitimate business expenses.

It’s important to note that for an expense to qualify as deductible, it must meet certain criteria: it should be ordinary and necessary for your real estate business, directly related to your business activities, and the amount should be reasonable. You can refer to IRS Publications 463 and 535 for more guidance on determining whether a specific expense is tax deductible.

Record-Keeping and Filing Your Taxes

To ensure you can claim these deductions and minimize your tax liability, it’s crucial to keep meticulous records throughout the year. Having a well-organized system for documenting expenses and income will save you time and reduce the likelihood of errors when it’s time to file your taxes.

Consider using apps to help you track your expenses, mileage, and other financial details while on the go. Additionally, setting up a basic filing system for paper receipts and income documents will help you stay organized and prepared for tax season. Certain documents should be retained for several years, especially those related to depreciating assets like your work vehicle, office equipment, and furniture.


Knowing how to file taxes as a real estate agent may seem complex, but with the right knowledge and a well-organized approach, you can maximize your deductions and reduce your tax liability. Whether you are self-employed or classified as an employee, understanding your tax status is the first step toward efficient tax management.

Remember to keep accurate records, use modern tools for expense tracking, and stay informed about IRS guidelines and publications. By doing so, you can confidently navigate the world of real estate agent taxes and enjoy the benefits of legitimate deductions. Are you ready to make the most of your tax deductions as a real estate agent? Get started on the path to tax savings and financial success. Go to for expert assistance and take control of your taxes today!

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